TU Business Spotlight - Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Has a New Home!

Maybe you’re already planning to attend the Trout Unlimited Annual Meeting in Roanoke, VA in September. You should be – it’s going to be great. And while you’re there, you must – repeat: MUST – visit Mossy Creek Fly Fishing in Harrisonburg, VA.


Brian & Colby Trow are twin brothers who opened Mossy Creek Fly Fishing in Harrisonburg, Virginia in 2003. They offer the finest products, outstanding fly fishing education, and personalized guide services to their customers and clients. Their business success comes from a knowledgeable, experienced, and hardworking crew of shop staff and guides. They call themselves “dedicated stewards of the resources that are the foundation of our business.” There’s more than a little modesty in that claim. They’re actually a lot more than that. That's why they're a Gold Level TU Business member.


These guys are fly fishing veterans and conservation stalwarts. Colby started guiding and instructing in Virginia in 1999 and has fished almost every day since they opened for business. He started tying flies for local Virginia fly shops at age 13 and was featured at many fly fishing trade shows through his teen years. To this day, when he isn’t fishing, he’s at the vise tying flies. Brian began fly fishing and tying at the age of 10. He has been teaching and guiding fly fisherman for 15 years. Together, they’re involved with Trout Unlimited at local, regional and national levels. They share a passion for restoring the local waters, and for providing service to the greater fly fishing community on the boards of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and the American Fly Fishing Trade Association. For Colby and Brian, engagement in fly fishing doesn’t stop at the shop door or even at the Shenandoah Valley. It’s much bigger than that. For these guys, there’s no real dividing line between their business, their service to the industry, to kids or to veterans, or to conservation. It’s all one great whole.


And to make it even better, Mossy Creek Fly Fishing is now in a great new location at 480 East Market Street in Harrisonburg. Colby and Brian want to make their shop your fishing headquarters for the TU Annual Meeting. Stop by and check it out!


Mossy Creek Fly Fishing 

Colby and Brian Trow

Harrisonburg, VA 22801

(540) 434-2444




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