TU Women's Membership Drive

In the fall of 2012, TU launched a campaign aimed at getting more women to sign up as members. In just one year, over 2,600 women signed up and currently there is a National 13 percent retention rate so far on these trial members.

With the success of numerous events and courses, as well as local chapter efforts, members reached out to women in their community and invited them to join TU.

From March 1 - May 31, TU is hosting a Women's Membership drive. New members can join for free and current women trial members can renew at half price, for $17.50, with $15.00 going back to your chapter. The web link to join for free membership is: https://gifts.tumembership.org/women

Finally, TU will be tracking which chapters recruit the most women and which have the highest rates of renewals (allocated proportionally based on chapter size.) The chapter that recruits the most women will be issued a plaque. Cash rewards will be awarded to the chapters that have the highest rates of renewals: $500 for first place, $300 for second place and $100 for third place.

If you have any questions on the Women's membership drive, please contact Heidi at hoberstadt@tu.org


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