Submitted by chris_hunt on Wed, 2019-01-09 04:26 Greater Yellowstone Area TU Teens Trout Magazine Vote Up Down +224 + Screenshot 2019-01-09 at 5.19.35 AM.png It's always interesting to get other anglers' perpsective on waters I fish at a pretty reguar clip. I'm a regular in Yellowstone National Park each summer, so the video below was of interest. Yellowstone Cutthroat Video of Yellowstone Cutthroat It's good to see anglers doing well in the park, and getting away from the oft-fished rivers like the Madison and the Firehole. Above, the anglers in the film visited Yellowstone cutthroat trout country in what looks like the park's far-flung northeast corner. It's my favorite part of Yellowstone, and after watching these guys have a great day on the water, you'll see why. Enjoy. --Chris Hunt