Volunteer efforts spur progress on Jacks Brook

Local 5th graders from the Roxbury Booth Free Elementary School gatther after planting 82 plants along Jacks Brook at the Brian Tierney Preserve in Roxbury, Conn. (2015 Photo TU)

Two volunteer workdays were recently held at the Jacks Brook project site near Roxbury, Connecticut, where TU is working to improve coldwater habitat by improving riparian conditions within the Brian Tierney Preserve.

The project includes invasive species control and riparian plantings, relocation of a walking trail, and also seeks to help engage the community with TU work.

On October 16, 2015, 12 5th graders from the local elementary school and their teachers joined 13 TU volunteers to plant 82 native trees and shrubs at the site. In addition to the planting activities, TU volunteers led the students in a macroinvertebrate study.

TU members demonstrate macroinvertebrate sampling during the Jacks Brook planting event. (2015 Photo TU)

The TU Naugatuck Chapter of CT began planning for the Jacks Brook Project in early spring 2014. Taking into account chapter personnel and resources, it was determined that the best way to improve habitat in Jacks Brook was to relocate the existing preserve trail away from the steep banks and to plant the area with native shrubs and trees. In addition to relocating the trail, other areas along the riparian area were planted.

TU is also working with the Preserve to design and install new outreach material for the preserve entrance kiosk. The information will highlight the restoration work and native brook trout and other ecological details of the preserve.

Students planted 82 native trees and shrubs at the project site. (TU photo 2015)

This project has been funded as part of the Natural Resource Damages (NRD) assessed to General Electric for the release of PCBs into the Housatonic River Basin. The project is part of the Housatonic River Basin Natural Resources Restoration Project as determined and administered by the Natural Resources Trustee SubCouncil for Connecticut.


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