Submitted by mtdave on Tue, 2016-08-16 12:47 Veterans Service Partnership Aquatic Invasive Species/ Clean Angling Science Utah Single Fly National Leadership Council - NLC 2016 Annual Meeting Fishing Report Vote Up Down +447 + P5250073.JPG Attention annual meeting fishing day folks! We now have an opening on Willow Creek on the annual meeting fishing day, September 28th! Willow Creek is a very cool fishery, a tributary of the Jefferson River, that is accessed by permission only. Madison-Gallatin TU had reserved all 5 rods on Willow Creek for the fishing day on Sepember 28th, and all 5 spots had been reserved. We just recieved notice that one of anglers has canceled his reservation on Willow Creek. So, WE HAVE ONE ROD OPEN ON WILLOW CREEK! The first person to email me gets the spot!!! !!!! Email only. No calls on this one. Thanks! Dave Kumlien