Women's Forum at the 2014 Somerset Fly Fishing is Standing Room Only

It was down to standing room only, with almost 60 female participants filling the conference room at The Fly Fishing Show in Somerset, New Jersey over the weekend. The Future of Women Anglers forum was moderated by Women’s Initiative Coordinators Kelly Buchta (NJ), Jackie Jordan (VT), and Alicea Charamut (CT).

The high-energy, enthusiastic group was made up of women anglers, guides, outfitters, and volunteer staff from Trout Unlimited, Project Healing Waters, and Casting For Recovery. In the short hour, topics ranged from the high and low points women have experienced while out fishing, fly-fishing gear designed for women, the things we can do for each other whether new or experienced in the sport, female anglers who have made impacts in conservation and within the fishing community, and how we can continue the legacy and reach out to youth.

Women across the U.S. are organizing retreats, outings, educational seminars, youth outreach programs and other events to build a community of women anglers who look to empower the next generation of fly fishers and clean water ambassadors.

For those who missed Saturday, a second discussion was held on Sunday with almost 40 participants in attendance. We are excited to move forward and are already planning next year’s session.


-Kelly E. Buchta, NJ Women's Initiative Coordinator and Jackie Jordon, VT Women's Inititaitive Coordinator

-Photo by Lindsay Agness, NY Women's Initiative Coordinator


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