Submitted by DerekYoung on Sun, 2016-05-08 12:05 Stream Ambassadors Conservation West of The Rockies Yakima River Washington - 9WA The Front Porch Trout Magazine TU Businesses & Guides Outdoor Communicators Suction Dredge Yakima River Headwaters Vote Up Down +491 + image.jpeg Hello Yakima River Headwaters TU members and volunteers! One of our goals for the Teanaway is an interactive map, housing water temperature and quality data, habitat projects, and organizations/partners in the watershed. At the recent IFFF Fair in Ellensburg, this idea was brainstormed further and a potential vendor to create this map and website has been identified. Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 18th at 7pm, in the Teanaway Community Forest campground, just off the MF road. Our agenda for the evening is to introduce our summer intern, Sydney Young, and lay out our plans & dates for the year. A valid Discover or other access pass is required. The Conservation Committee will be providing additional information in our "Wednesday Workshop" format prior to our regular meetings where in-field skills and "how-to's" are facilitated, building on our Angler Science initiative. Topics may include entomology, riparian repair, casting lessons, and more. Have an idea? Pass it along via our page, Facebook, or email. What would you like to learn and get involved with in the headwaters? Ideally, our grassroots advocacy will result in sharing these sessions to reach a broader audience and further develop a strong outreach/education presence in the headwaters and the importance of protecting them. How to use such a "map" and gather/input the data is a critical component of communicating the conservation work we're engaged in! Please join us!