Submitted by trgavin on Wed, 2018-05-02 09:41 Yakima - 094 Vote Up Down +3 + IMGP0087.JPG Our next regular meeting is Thursday, May 17th, 7:00 PM at Magic Pizza in Selah. We meet in their banquet room. Note the meeting start time change.We are moving back to 7:00 PM. Our speaker for May will be John Easterbrooks, Region 3, Fish Program Manager with the WDFW. He will be speaking to us about the WDFW's new App for fishing regulations. This will also be a great opportunity ask questions about what's happening in Region 3. Also, a representative from Youth Outdoors Unlimited will be bringing a bunch of fly tying materials for anyone to buy at our next meeting. (hooks feathers rabbit etc.) These items were donated from an estate and will be sold at reasonable prices.