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The 3rd Annual Run with the Kokanee Fun Run will be help on Saturday, October 18 at Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah. The run begins at 9:00 am and will end at 12:00.
This is a major fun-raiser for our chapter and is critical to our efforts to help restore Kokanee in Lake Sammamish and its... [ READ MORE... ]
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Our monthly chapter meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 10 at 7:00 pm at the Issaquah Brewhouse. This month's featured speaker will be Justin Spinelli with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Justin will be talking about use of volunteer efforts to collect fishing related data to... [ READ MORE... ]
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Monthly chapter meeting. Featured speaker is Dr. Jenifer McIntyre from the WSU Extension Lab in Puyallup, WA. Dr McIntyre will talk about storm water runoff and its affect on fish, including pre-spawn mortality in coho salmon. Come and here a really good presentation! In addition, there will be... [ READ MORE... ]
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The lower river is flow ice right now, but this is normal and is usually gone by February. Big Pines, down in the lower canyon, is the access area most affected. Try walking in/floating the upper river between S. Cle Elum and East Cle Elum WDFW access areas, although the East access can be very... [ READ MORE... ]
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2nd annual Run with the Kokanee 5 and 10K Fun Run will be held at Lake Sammamish State Park, beginning at 9:00 am. This is a fund-raiser for our chapter to allow us to continue our projects to restore Kokanee salmon in Lake Sammamish.
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2nd annual Run with the Kokanee 5 and 10K Fun Run will be held at Lake Sammamish State Park, beginning at 9:00 am. This is a fund-raiser for our chapter to allow us to continue our projects to restore Kokanee salmon in Lake Sammamish.
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2nd annual Run with the Kokanee 5 and 10K Fun Run will be held at Lake Sammamish State Park, beginning at 9:00 am. This is a fund-raiser for our chapter to allow us to continue our projects to restore Kokanee salmon in Lake Sammamish.