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After intense pressure from sportsmen and a shift in legislative strategy, Oregon Treasurer Tobias Read said last week that he now supports keeping the Elliott State Forest in public hands.
Read was a vital vote in the effort to sell the 82,500 acre forest for $221 million sale to Lone Rock Timber... [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited President/CEO Chris Wood talks about public lands.
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Frank Moore, a World War II veteran and a legendary steward of the North Umpqua River, discusses his personal connection to America's public lands.
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From the Outdoor Alliance: America's public lands belong to all of us. No matter where you live, how much money is in your bank account, or where you grew up, you own some of the most stunning places in the country. A movement to privatize and sell off public lands threatens our access, our... [ READ MORE... ]
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National Public Lands Day is Saturday September 28, 2013. Get out to support your public lands.