Renew your membership today and help protect the future of our nation’s cold, clean, fishable water. Together, we can preserve the thrill of chasing wild fish in wild rivers.
The 5 Rivers program organizes campus clubs that teach students fly casting and tying along with volunteer stream conservation activities. Students in TU 5 Rivers Clubs have the opportunity to join a sponsoring Chapter in their region, lend a young voice, and help shape the future of TU.
Dreaming of warmer weather? Good! It’s time to start thinking about TU’s offerings of summer camps and academies for young people.
TU’s Regional Fly Fishing Camps and Academies
For over 25 years, volunteers have been directing TU’s youth regional camps. The first was in Pennsylvania and now TU's... [ READ MORE... ]
By Franklin Tate
It’s so true that, as anglers and conservationists, we at TU have a lot to pass on in terms of our passion for the great outdoors. But it’s never as easy as it sounds: it takes a ton of patience to get in front of a group of kids and try to convey the mystery behind the cast; it... [ READ MORE... ]
The TU Costa 5 Rivers Native Odyssey college students above. The Native Odyssey was featured in Chris Wood's State of TU address.
By Tara Granke
In case you missed it, during his 2017 State of TU address, Chris Wood personally pledged $1,000 to the GRTU Tomorrow Fund and asked those gathered to... [ READ MORE... ]
Click here to inspire and support the next generation.
Are you up for the GRTU Tomorrow Fund Challenge?
The 066 - Guadalupe River chapter (GRTU) has a hunch. They're thinking that chapters and councils across the country care about engaging the next generation of river stewards as much as they do... [ READ MORE... ]
by Franklin Tate, Headwaters Youth Program Director
The sixth annual TU Teen Summit will be held on the TU “Holy Waters” of the Au Sable in June 2017, with twenty five teen leaders from around the country converging for four days of planning, learning, fishing, and fun. TU’s Headwaters youth staff... [ READ MORE... ]
Each fall, TU Camp and Academy graduates are invited to enter the TU Teen Essay Contest in which they share their camp experiences. This year we had four finalists, and Alexander's essay is the second in this series as the second runner-up. Alexander is from California and traveled all the way to... [ READ MORE... ]
Each fall, TU Camp and Academy graduates are invited to enter the TU Teen Essay Contest in which they share their camp experiences. This year we had four finalists, and Natalie's essay is the first in this series as the third runner-up. Natalie is from Georgia and is pictured above on one of her... [ READ MORE... ]
by Erich Frie, Youth Leadership Council Member, Hacklebarney TU Chapter of NJ
A mammoth part of cold water conservation is making sure the fish are healthy and ample in the rivers they inhabit. As most fishermen know, the concept of catch and release is a more recent movement in... [ READ MORE... ]
by Kyle Smith
Ask any angler what makes for a good day of fishing and the top responses will almost certainly include plentiful fish, clean water, good company, and an ice cold brew at the end of the day.
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As Trout Unlimited's... [ READ MORE... ]
Photo by Oliver Rogers
By Andrew Loffredo
When I graduated college in May 2015 and shared with my peers that I was going to be working for a non-profit conservation organization to work with college fly fishing clubs nationwide, I got a variety of responses ranging from, “Whoa, that's sick,” to... [ READ MORE... ]