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By Grant Bench
Utah’s newest Trout Unlimited Chapter did not take long to help make a difference on a home water.
The Alpine Anglers Utah County Chapter, officially launched in mid-March, stepped up to help with a fish transfer on Utah’s famed Provo River.
A power plant near the mouth of the... [ READ MORE... ]
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A Bear River cutthroat. Photo courtesy Utah Division of WIldlife Resources.
By Brett Prettyman
As a native of the West I often find myself wondering what the landscape looked like before pioneers arrived and started changing things.
Remote and wild places allowed me to get a more accurate feeling... [ READ MORE... ]
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Maggie Creek Ranch manager John Griggs receiving the Environmental Stewardship Award during the Cattle Industry Convention. Photo courtesy of the Cattle Industry Convention.
By Brett Prettyman
A long time Trout Unlimited partner in conservation was recently honored during the Cattle Industry... [ READ MORE... ]
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Native Yellowstone cutthroat trout like this one are threatened by the presence of introduced lake trout in Yellowstone Lake. Dave Sweet photo
By Dave Sweet and Brett Prettyman
Dick Crysdale is putting money where his memories are: great fishing for native cutthroat trout on Yellowstone Lake.... [ READ MORE... ]
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Helping landowners find money to make improvements on watering facilities benefits not only the local environment, but also everything downstream. Photo by Cory Toye.
By Cory Toye
Lyrics of the Credence Clearwater Revival song “Green River” serve as a sort of fight song for Trout Unlimited staffers... [ READ MORE... ]
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Seventeen elementary schools in Utah, like this one at Promontory Charter School in Perry, participate in Trout Unlimited's Trout in the Classroom prorgam. Photo by Paul Holden
By Paul Burnett
There is nothing like watching fish hatch and grow before releasing them in the wild to foster a... [ READ MORE... ]
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The People's Canal irrigation diversion in southwestern Wyoming was recently rebuilt to help protect native fish in the Henry's Fork from invasive species. Photo by Hillary Walrath
By Hillary Walrath
In the world of trout conservation, the term “fish barrier” is sometimes seen as an enemy to native... [ READ MORE... ]
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Todd Koel holds a native Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Koel was recently recognized for his efforts to protect and restore native fish in the world's first national park. National Park Service photo.
By Brett Prettyman
Without the support of partners Trout Unlimited would likely have to change its... [ READ MORE... ]
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Volunteers search irrigation canals feeding off of the Shoshone River near Cody for trout that could be stranded and die. Once captured, the fish are moved back to the main branches of the Shoshone River.
By Brett Prettyman
Anglers commonly brag about experiencing days where they catch 20 or 30... [ READ MORE... ]
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An angler finds a place to cast a line in the Brown's Canyon National Monument in Colorado. Joshua Duplechian/Trout Unlimited
By Brett Prettyman
People of the West place a high value on public lands according to a poll of Colorado and Nevada residents released by the Outdoor Industry Association... [ READ MORE... ]