Renew your membership today and help protect the future of our nation’s cold, clean, fishable water. Together, we can preserve the thrill of chasing wild fish in wild rivers.
Location: Northcentral California
Type of stream: Freestone above the dam, tailwater below
Angling methods: Fly, spin, bait
Species: Rainbows and browns
Access: Moderate
Season: Late April to mid-Nov.
Supporting Services: Dunsmuir, Redding
Short take: Home waters of the ‘bows we all know and love... [ READ MORE... ]
Location: Central California
Type of stream: Freestone
Angling methods: Fly, Spinning
Species: Rainbows and browns
Access: Easy
Season: Late April—mid Nov.
Supporting Services: Kernville
Short take: Where anglers come to prospect for wild gold
Handicapped Access: None
Closest Chapter: Sac Sierra... [ READ MORE... ]
There was suprisingly little debris for such a busy area. We picked up what we could find and that amounted to about 4 full size garbage bags.
The pick of the day was a large warning buoy that we winched back up the hill with two pickup trucks.
I would like to thank those that made it, as well... [ READ MORE... ]
On April 12th, as part of Creek Week, Sac-Sierra Trout Unlimited is hosting a cleanup day on Arcade creek. Later, we'll be at Carmichael Park for the Creek Week Celebration, with food and games, live music, and our Canvas Creek.
In the morning, our board member Bill Templin will be leading the... [ READ MORE... ]
The Sac-Sierra Chapter of Trout Unlimited has been awarded an Embrace-a-Stream grant to begin work on a salmon and steelhead habitat restoration project on Secret Ravine in western Placer county.
Secret Ravine is a tributary of Dry Creek flowing within a few feet of Interstate 80, one of the... [ READ MORE... ]
In the fall of every year, Sac-Sierra Trout Unlimited provides volunteers to assist the Dry Creek Conservancy with a survey of fall-run Chinook Salmon in the creeks of western Placer county, CA. This enjoyable and educational activity is simply a walk along (and sometimes in) a creek while making a... [ READ MORE... ]
Sac-Sierra Trout Unlimited is looking for volunteers to instruct and assist kids as young as 4-years in fly casting. This highly rewarding activity requires only basic skills in fly casting. The only skill you really need is being good with kids.
As an active Trout Unlimited chapter, we attend many... [ READ MORE... ]
Hey everyone! Join the Sagebrush chapter of Trout Unlimited in their efforts to clean up the Hunter Creek Trail Head. The cleanig will start at 9:00am and be followed by a BBQ lunch for all who participate.
Hunter Creek is a popular recreation spot for the Reno area, so lets keep it clean for all... [ READ MORE... ]
Join us again for the 3rd annual Sierra Trout Camp hosted with Ralph and Lisa Cutter!
Where: Sagehen Creek reasearch station, just north of Truckee, CA
When: June 21st-22nd, 2014
Who: This camp is designed for students ages 9-11
What: Sierra Trout camp is a kids camp created to teach kids ages 9-11... [ READ MORE... ]
Location: Northern California at the head of Lake Shasta
Type of stream: Freestone
Angling methods Fly, Spin, Bait
Species: Rainbow
Access Easy and ample
Season: Year ‘round Supporting
Services: Dunsmuir
Short take: Greatest least fished trout river in America
Handicapped access: None
Closest TU... [ READ MORE... ]