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A dozen youth from the Elko area gathered for the 2nd annual Northern Nevada Trout Cmap recently at Spring Creek Marina.
By Sam Sedillo
A love for conservation and nature isn’t always an inherent trait, but it can be learned through hands on experiences and moments that will never be forgotten.... [ READ MORE... ]
By Tasha Sorensen
What do you hold sacred? Is it family, friends, storytelling, or number of ‘likes’ on your post?
Maybe it is walking your dog, a new truck, more money, a secure job, traveling, what others think about you or memories.
Maybe it is all, or none, of those things.
If remote and... [ READ MORE... ]
Students release trout they raised in their kingarten classroom under the watchful eye of their teacher, Eleanor Sather. Cole Larsen/Trout Unlimited
By Eleanor Sather
I am, above all, a teacher who wants to inspire in her students a curiosity in the natural world and a respect for the world around... [ READ MORE... ]
A remote controlled underwater robot could film features and collect samples in the depths of Yellowstone Lake making efforts to control invasive lake trout more productive.
By Jack Williams
Trout Unlimited and its partners utilize a variety of methods in attempts to restore Yellowstone cutthroat... [ READ MORE... ]
Thumbs up for this volunteer who helped this first-time angler catch her first fish.
By Chad Utley
St. George, Utah — The only thing better than catching fish is helping kids catch fish; particularly when it is their first fish.
The Southern Utah Anglers Chapter of Trout Unlimited recently held... [ READ MORE... ]
By Brett Prettyman
National Forest Service officials, likely reflecting on a past public outcry to protect the Wyoming Range, have announced a preferred “no action, no leases” alternative on 40,000 acres of the iconic western Wyoming mountains.
The last time the wide open spaces of the Wyoming... [ READ MORE... ]
By Grant Bench
Utah’s newest Trout Unlimited Chapter did not take long to help make a difference on a home water.
The Alpine Anglers Utah County Chapter, officially launched in mid-March, stepped up to help with a fish transfer on Utah’s famed Provo River.
A power plant near the mouth of the... [ READ MORE... ]
A Bear River cutthroat. Photo courtesy Utah Division of WIldlife Resources.
By Brett Prettyman
As a native of the West I often find myself wondering what the landscape looked like before pioneers arrived and started changing things.
Remote and wild places allowed me to get a more accurate feeling... [ READ MORE... ]
Maggie Creek Ranch manager John Griggs receiving the Environmental Stewardship Award during the Cattle Industry Convention. Photo courtesy of the Cattle Industry Convention.
By Brett Prettyman
A long time Trout Unlimited partner in conservation was recently honored during the Cattle Industry... [ READ MORE... ]
Native Yellowstone cutthroat trout like this one are threatened by the presence of introduced lake trout in Yellowstone Lake. Dave Sweet photo
By Dave Sweet and Brett Prettyman
Dick Crysdale is putting money where his memories are: great fishing for native cutthroat trout on Yellowstone Lake.... [ READ MORE... ]