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TU's government and policy staff.
By Chris Wood
Several of the bright lights in the Trout Unlimited policy world came into the intergalactic headquarters last week. Their recent accomplishments are pretty amazing.
Dave Kinney of New Jersey helped organize efforts to pass and then fund legislation... [ READ MORE... ]
By Chris Wood
Conservation is a long game, so it is especially important to celebrate successes.
After decades of decline, 2018 may mark the year that we turned the corner on the recovery of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake. The world's first national park had lost more than 95... [ READ MORE... ]
Volunteers are a key componet to Trout Unlimited's restoration work in the Delaware River watershed in northwest New Jersey. (Nick Romanenko photo.)
By Cole Baldino
In northwest New Jersey, Trout Unlimited has been putting an emphasis on working strategically throughout the watersheds of Lopatcong ... [ READ MORE... ]
By Chris Wood
“He’s just an old dog.” Parker lit up, at least as much as a 17-year old pit-lab mix can. Larry, the neighborhood poet, and resident feral cat-feeder, was on his way to the back-alley to spread his cat food, and Parker stayed glued to the bag at Larry’s side.
“We are all old dogs,” I... [ READ MORE... ]
By Chris Wood
Fred’s note was unexpected. He was one of the first TU volunteers I met 17 years ago when he was 78 years young. At the time, I wondered who is this cool cat with the white pony-tail and turquoise rings?
His note read, “a few months ago our son, Jon, and his two university age sons... [ READ MORE... ]
By Toner Mitchell
Your best arguments are the simplest ones. Water, including anything you dump into it, flows downhill. Katrina, Sandy, Harvey and Maria comprise a trend. California and the burning mountain west comprise a trend. God didn’t create all these species so we could destroy his good... [ READ MORE... ]
By Chris Wood
This week the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers proposed a radical change in how the nation manages our streams and wetlands.
For most of the first 30 years of the Clean Water Act, its rules applied to large and small, perennial and temporary, streams and... [ READ MORE... ]
The fourth National Climate Assessment released by the government last week details the current and future impacts of climate change on the planet, including calamaties like increased and more intense wildfires, something we've seen plenty of this year. Photo courtesy Wikipedia Commons.
By Helen... [ READ MORE... ]
Above, the view from the lip of Lower Yellowstone Falls. Photo by Chris Hunt. Below, Larry Harris on Indian Creek in Yellowstone National Park.
by Larry Harris
I have camped and fished in Yellowstone Park almost every year from 1992 to the present, enjoying weeks there with family and friends. ... [ READ MORE... ]
We'll always have to fight for our public lands, but we should be grateful we have them in the first place. Photo by Chris Hunt.
By Scott Willoughby
It has been said that the hardest math to master is the ability to count our blessings.
Funny enough, I’ve never been particularly good at math. ... [ READ MORE... ]