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TU DC Dinner benefiting the TU Veterans Service Partnership. Come one, come all to a great event benefiting TU and the TU Veterans Service Partnership! Tickets still available. Great food, sweet silent auction and some GREAT fly fishing trips in the live auction. Reagan Building, 6PM, February... [ READ MORE... ]
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Julianna loves her new Stream Explorer membership!
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Free, Bring a Friend
2014 WI OH event.jpg
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Focuses on efforts to protect coldwater fisheries from the various modes of energy production: coal and hard rock mining, oil and gas drilling, wind, solar and nuclear.
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2014 Northeast Regional Meeting
June 6-8, 2014Stowe, VT
Join fellow anglers and TU volunteer leaders from across the Northeast on June 6-8 in Stowe, VT.
Register now »
View the draft agenda »
Who should attend?
Anyone committed to building effective TU chapters and councils.
What will you learn?... [ READ MORE... ]
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Dear NLC Representatives,
I would like to schedule a call for June 16 at 8 pm eastern, for the sole purpose of getting input and ideas on the NLC evaluation. So this is a special call and I hope many of you can join in. I view the evaluation as an opportunity for us to do some important things to... [ READ MORE... ]