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Wild Steelhead on a fly gets everyone's heart beating faster and their hands trembling! They just do! The O&C lands have dozens of rivers running through them that have these amazing fish - finning through their waters twelve months of the year. Some rivers host a summer run. Others receive... [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited is working with a wide variety of stake holders as well as members of Oregon Senator, Ron Wyden's office to find a balanced approach to the proposed legislation for the O&C lands. These lands are crucial, not only to the rural communities that neighbor these federally managed... [ READ MORE... ]
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O&C native steelhead.m4v
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Dean Finnerty on the Umpqua in February
A salmon is released back into the North Umpqua
Avery Willow on the North Umpqua
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With millions of acres of prime habitat, O and C lands have a grand impact on some of the best fisheries on the West coast.