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On Sunday July 31, 2016 Gerry Bortz and Eric Baird of the Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited cleared some brush from the bank of McMichael Creek, in anticipation of the upcoming habitat restoration project. The brush cleared was mostly invasive bush honeysuckle and multi-flora rose, and was cleared... [ READ MORE... ]
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On Thursday June 16, 2016 and Saturday June 18, 2016, members of the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited contracted All Construction and Repair ( to place rocks that had been previously donated by Northampton Community College ( in a... [ READ MORE... ]
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For 6 days in October, volunteers the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited provided traffic control so that All Construction and Repair could move over 200 tons of boulders from a remote location on the old Northampton Community College Monroe Campus to the Pocono Creek Phase I Habitat restoration... [ READ MORE... ]
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The Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited, #289 is planning a instream habitat improvement project for the late summer early fall of this year. The plan is utilized stone deflectors, rock cross-vanes, and random boulder placement to improve a heavily channelized section of the Pocono Creek in... [ READ MORE... ]
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Satterlee Creek, an intermittent stream in Bradford County, Pa., is one that has been named and claimed by the community.
“Oh, that must be Fishing Creek.”
If you’re crossing a bridge somewhere in Pennsylvania, it’s a pretty safe answer if someone asks you, “What stream is that?”
I’ve never done... [ READ MORE... ]
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By Katy Dunlap
Much of Pennsylvania’s shale gas boom has taken place around the streams that support the state’s best native and wild trout habitat.
Picture a place of unspoiled wilderness where small headwater streams send cold, clean water trickling down steep mountain terrain, where wildlife is... [ READ MORE... ]
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The Brodhead Chapter supports a Trout in the Classroom program at Swiftwater Intermediate School in Swiftwater, PA. Approximately 60 brook trout have hatched and reached 2 inches in length. The sixth grade students learn about the need for cold, clean waters to support wild trout and their growth... [ READ MORE... ]
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In April 2013 the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited was joined by the Tobyhanna Conservation Association and Boy Scout Troop 91 to plant over 400 seedling along the banks of the Tobyhanna Creek in the area of the Route 423 bridge realignment. The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation of Natural... [ READ MORE... ]
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The Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited completed an instream habitat improvement on the McMichaels Creek Involving the installation of 3 stone deflectors and over 50 tons of random boulder placement along approximately 1000 feet of stream. Partnering with the Chapter was Stroud Township (the... [ READ MORE... ]
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By Gary R. Blockus Of The Morning Call Find out how TU monitors Marcellus Shale drilling impact Michaels Creek and MartinsCreek in the Poconos are about to get some very important oversight. Trained members of the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited will begin monitoring a variety of data in those... [ READ MORE... ]