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Backcountry meadow stream, Kern Plateau, Inyo National Forest
A newly released resource management plan for public lands in California's southern Sierra reflects Trout Unlimited's long-term investment in such planning across the country.
This region is home to some of the most unique coldwater... [ READ MORE... ]
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Bonneville cutthroat trout, caught in Mill Creek.
By Bobby Boone
I learned to fly fish when I turned ten years old. I caught nothing. I wasn’t even sure if I really liked it.
However, three years later, my first time casting a fly in Utah would ensure that I would fall in love with the sport.
My... [ READ MORE... ]
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A fat and happy Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout.
By Chris Hunt
Two summers ago, as I walked along a small alpine creek in the Caribou Range here in eastern Idaho, I spied what may rightly be called the sexiest stretch of trout water I've ever seen.
The stream—by itself a modest flow—... [ READ MORE... ]
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The iconic Sundial Bridge, spanning the Lower Sacramento River in downtown Redding, California before and during the Carr Fire.
By Sam Davidson
California is burning.
There are 17 wildfires charring the Golden State, at present. The biggest and gnarliest (of 2018, anyway) is the Carr Fire, which... [ READ MORE... ]
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By Jenny Weis
Flying low in a DeHavilland Beaver over Bristol Bay, Alaska’s Naknek River, I could see weeds in the clear water, shallow stretches with rocks illuminated by the sun, and deeper pools hiding trout and probably a few king salmon staging to spawn.
The window was to my right, and the... [ READ MORE... ]
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Above: Sun filters down on the mountain town of Pony, Montana
By Shauna Stephenson
Each year, just about the time the poppies explode in meadow of the gold mine owner's abandoned mansion, just when the quiet main street goes from ghostly to just a little more alive and the occasional tourist... [ READ MORE... ]
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The northwest corner of California, between the Russian and Klamath Rivers, is home to some of the best remaining salmon and steelhead streams in the West. This region boasts some of the most famous steelhead fisheries in the world, including the Trinity, Mad, Mattole, and Eel River systems.
Trout... [ READ MORE... ]
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Photos courtesy Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy.
Teaching young adults about the significance of salmon conservation is one of the best methods to ensure our fishy friends’ existence in the future. Corporations and non-profit organizations in Alaska have teamed up to make sure that this... [ READ MORE... ]
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Editor's note: Building off the success of last year’s Native Odyssey campaign, Trout Unlimited sent four of our brightest college club leaders in the TU Costa 5 Rivers Program to explore the home of the world’s largest runs of wild salmon: Alaska. These students are exploring the Kenai Peninsula,... [ READ MORE... ]
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Wild Basin.
by Randy Scholfield
Forecast: Hot and dry. Random outbreaks of wildfires. Until further notice.
Yes, the heat is on. Of course, there have been the occasional infusions of mountain-cooled thunderstorms of late here on Colorado’s Front Range, sweeping in and dumping rain and clattering... [ READ MORE... ]