Renew your membership today and help protect the future of our nation’s cold, clean, fishable water. Together, we can preserve the thrill of chasing wild fish in wild rivers.
Join us for the April meeting in the Headwaters of the Yakima, as we put the planning and execution phases of the Teanaway plan into action. We are planning to meet outside, in the Teanaway Community Forest, at the Middle Fork Campground. See the map below for directions. Please be prepared for... [ READ MORE... ]
Join Tom Battista, Todd Burns, Will Daskal, Eric Baird and other expert members of our local Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited for an informative program that will introduce you to the bucolic, angling sport of fly fishing! Equipment selection, casting techniques, reading the water, effective fly... [ READ MORE... ]
Join the Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited in welcoming John Shaner and his presentation on Soft Hackle Secrets. Mr. Shaner has been fishing as long as he can remember and caught his first trout on a fly he tied himself in 1965. Growing up in the Finger Lakes Region of New York he began making the... [ READ MORE... ]
Please join the Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited, The Father John T Butler Council of the Knights of Columbus, Stroud Township, and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission for the 40th Annual Knights of Columbus Children's Fishing Contest. This event is free to children under the age of 12. ... [ READ MORE... ]
Please join the Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited for our 18th Annual Banquet on March 18th, 2016. Tickets are $35.00 for adults and $20.00 for children under 12. Festivities start with a cash bar at 5:30 PM, with a buffet dinner served at 6:30 PM, and the Conservation Program, at 7:30 PM. The... [ READ MORE... ]
Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited presents Don Baylor's Fly Fishing Colorado for its March General Meeting. Don Baylor’s FLYFISHING COLORADO is a program that combines the experiences from many years of fly-fishing trips to northwest Colorado. The major rivers covered are the Colorado, Eagle, Yampa... [ READ MORE... ]
Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited is holding its annual Fly Tying Round Robin as the February General Meeting at 7:00PM at the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center on Wednesday February 10th, 2016. Beginners and Experts are all welcome to the event, so bring your vise and show off your skills... [ READ MORE... ]
Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited is holding its annual Fly Tying Round Robin as the February General Meeting at 7:00PM at the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center on Wednesday February 10th, 2016. Beginners and Experts are all welcome to the event, so bring your vise and show off your skills... [ READ MORE... ]
Join the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited for our first ever December General Meeting!!!
Let’s close out 2015 together tying flies, enjoying some delicious pizza, sharing tall tales and simply enjoying each other’s company in good fellowship! n.b.: The Rim Rock Road Bridge is under construction... [ READ MORE... ]
Join us for a day in the lower canyon of the Yakima River for a clean-up event hosted by the Yakima Chapter of Trout Unlimited. We will focus on removing garbage between Umtanum and Big Pines BLM areas, meeting at Big Pines at 5 PM for a BBQ. Map to Big Pines area ( [ READ MORE... ]