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A single fish can mean so much.
By Sam Davidson
A single fish made me really happy recently, and I wasn’t even fishing.
To be sure, this was no ordinary fish. It was a brute of a steelhead, as long as my arm and 12 pounds in heft, easy. So perhaps anyone seeing it languidly finning just upstream... [ READ MORE... ]
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Yellowjacket Creek downstream of the diversion structure is now much more fish passage-friendly.
The Russian River is one of the most famous steelhead fisheries in California. It is also one of the highest priority watersheds for Coho salmon recovery in the Golden State.
For many years, TU has... [ READ MORE... ]
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HMH Vises is a small company, located right at the last falls of the Saco River as it empties into the ocean, in Biddeford, Maine. Jon Larrabee is the principal owner at HMH. He’s an engineer and a machinist and has over 35 years of experience as a canoe guide, fishing guide and fly fisherman. He’s... [ READ MORE... ]
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"I choose to live and work in a place where the rivers meet the ocean. It’s my family’s home, and my business is here," says Capt. David Blinken, who owns North Flats Guiding in East Hampton, N.Y. "We live here because we choose to live in a place that means so much to us. We live here because we... [ READ MORE... ]
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Southern steelhead country.
By Sam Davidson
My son and I wandered into the land of the southern steelhead yesterday. Cactus sprouted like gargoyles from the sandstone outcroppings that lined the creek up which we hiked.
This winter has been profligate all across California and yet another massive... [ READ MORE... ]
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Carl Haensel and Jade Thomason own and operate Namebini, in northern Minnesota. They offer guided fly fishing, forest and farm products and a variety of specialties. And, like a host of other Trout Unlimited Business members, they're concerned about changes to the Clean Water Rule proposed by the... [ READ MORE... ]
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Photo courtesy Alpacka Raft
Alpacka Raft is a small, family-owned manufacturing company in Mancos, Colo. They make packrafts — tiny, portable boats designed for big adventures. Their staff of 25 in a rural Colorado town of roughly 1,400 builds the boats that define and refine the sport of... [ READ MORE... ]
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A steelhead smolt. Smoltification is the physiological process which prepares parr for the transition to salt water and gives them their silvery coloring.
By John McMillan and Nick Chambers
Recently we reviewed a study on a novel hatchery steelhead program that was implemented in a Hood Canal... [ READ MORE... ]
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By John McMillan
In this post we review a recent before-and-after study on hatchery steelhead published by Barry Berejikian and Donald Van Doornick (find the study here). The goal of this long-term study, conducted in a handful of rivers in Hood Canal, Washington, was to determine if a well-... [ READ MORE... ]
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I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: One of the very best things about working in conservation is that you get to meet some truly outstanding human beings. Like Tim and Joan Flagler from Tightline Productions in Hunterdon County, NJ. These folks are the real deal.
I knew this before I ever met... [ READ MORE... ]