Chapter Meeting with Bob Estland about Atlantic Salmon fishing in Quebec and Nova Scotia
12/17 - SEWTU Holiday Party
Our November SEWTU Chapter Meeting will be held at Crawdaddy's on 94th and Greenfield in West Allis on Tuesday November 19th. Casual dining begins after 5:30 with the meeting starting at 7pm.
At our October chapter meeting, we will hear a presentation from Fred Longreen, long-time Orvis 101 instructor and Driftless fisherman. Fred will discuss fall fishing opportunities and other trout topics! Our meetings will once again be at Crawdaddy's on Greenfield Ave.
The WI DNR will hold its annual Root River Steelhead Facility open house (along the Root River in Racine) on Sat., Oct. 12. from 9 am to 3 pm.
Our meeting site for October will once again be at the River Valley Coop in Easthampton, MA. Address: 228 Northampton St, Easthampton, MA 01027
You won't want to miss our Thursday Nov 14 meeting at SLYCE in Highwood - as we are bringing back noted author Jason Randall to present to us! Jason always gives us fantastic insights, and we leave with fresh persepectives on where trout live, how they eat, and how their senses work.
We regret to inform you that our Oct 10 meeting @ SLYCE in Highwood is cancelled.
Sadly we had a scheduling issue that forced us to cancel this October meeting.
Our friends at the Elliott Donnelley TU chapter are hosting the International Fly Fishing Film Festival on Tuesday Nov. 12 at the Wilmette Theater from 5:30pm to 9:30pm. And a block away the Orvis Wilmette store is hosting a happy hour that afternoon before the movie!
Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited - March Newsletter
Hello Cold Water Fisheries Advocates,