Gunpowder Fishing Tips

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said on Friday, September 13th, 2013

Recent stream reports from dhaynes, via the MDTU Facebook page:

Gunpowder Mini-Report for 09/06/13: Water levels are still low -30 cfs- and clear. Water temps swinging from 50 to 57 degrees or so. Tricos, small caddis, and small terrestrials seem to be working well Theaux at Backwater says the low water pushes a lot of little, young of the year, fish out into the open where they are followed by big browns. So expect to catch some little fish but to also have the opportunity for something more sizable. Streamers that imitate little fish might be the ticket!

Gunpowder Mini-Report for 08/30/13: Gunpowder is running very low (30 cfs) and very clear. Great time to wet wade. With all the exposed gravel bars you could fish a lot of the river and never get your feet wet! Small terrestrials are still working along the meadows and caddis in slower water. The first leaves of fall are hitting the river so be prepared for the maple hatch!

said on Friday, September 13th, 2013

Today's stream report from dhaynes, via the MDTU Facebook page:

Gunpowder Mini Report for 09/13/13: River continues to run low and clear with water temps warming to 57/58 degrees in the afternoon. Early leaf fall is producing some annoyances but leaves have yet to inundate. Small tricos, size 20 and 22, are working well above Falls Road early in the morning. Small midges are working well too.  Below Falls Road fishers have been catching trout on wooly buggers early in the day. The weather looks like it will be absolutely great this weekend. Cooler temps may keep the tuber hatch down!

Thank to folks at Great Feathers fly shop in Sparks for contributing to this bulletin.

said on Friday, September 20th, 2013

This week’s stream report from dhaynes, via the MDTU facebook page:

Gunpowder Mini Report for 09/19/13: Tricos are here!!! The trico hatch and spinner falls have been kicking in. On a recent guide trip on the upper river, Robby (from Great Feathers) and his client experienced a great spinner fall. The fish were hitting on male spinners from size 18 through 22. The pattern was an indicator parachute trico. The activity was great and there were plenty of fish!

With the trico spinner falls, the bugs are responding to temperature when they are beginning to descend. The reason this is important is for timing and getting it right. With colder overnight temps, the fall will begin later and if it is warmer, they will begin sooner. Depending where you are on the river, be aware of the topography, or natural features, which will also affect the timing. If you are in one of the deeper “canyon” sections, the sun may take longer to warm the tree tops and so the fall may be later than in an area that has fewer features, like a flat flood plain. Regardless, plan on the fall being between 10 in the morning and concluding around 2 in the afternoon.

Thank to folks at Great Feathers fly shop in Sparks for contributing to this bulletin.

said on Friday, October 4th, 2013

Stream report from dhaynes, via the MDTU facebook page:

09/27/13: Should be a great weekend for fishing. Sunny days in low 70s for Saturday and Sunday. Gunpowder is still running around 30cfs and a little colder. Tiny tricos are still turning the trick but the spinner fall ends early afternoon and fishing goes relatively quiet. Small caddis are still bringing up some fish. Wooly Buggers and streamers are working-- fish them in the shadows and deeper runs! Tight Lines! (dh)


said on Friday, October 4th, 2013

Stream report from dhaynes, via the MDTU facebook page:

10/4/13: Water levels are returning to prime fishing ranges: little over 100 cfs. Tricos have slowed down but look for the higher and warmer water to spur Caddis activity. Tiny midges are fishing well, too. With deeper water and with spawning season nearly upon us, streamers, zonkers, and buggers will attract trout. Time to begin watching for the redds and treading lightly! Thank to folks at Great Feathers fly shop in Sparks for contributing to this bulletin. (dh)


said on Monday, November 18th, 2013

How effective is this method? Won't this damage the habitat of our marine lives? Government should prohibit this activity :(


said on Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

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