Submitted by mbradley3313 on Sun, 2014-03-02 20:21 Groups audience Fly Tying Northwest Pennsylvania - 041 Mountain Laurel - 040 Penns Woods West - 042 Ken Sink - 053 Forbes Trail - 206 Neshannock - 216 Arrowhead - 214 Chestnut Ridge - 670 The Front Porch Vote Up Down +230 + Olive HECJ.JPG I put this together today just kind of making it up as I went along and came out with what I think is kind of like a hybrid Hare's Ear/ Copper John. I'd appreciate any feedback or opinions on how to make it better. I tied a few in tan and dark hare's ear as well. Here's the recipe: Hook: Umpqua U101 #10-16Thread: 8/0 OliveTail: Light Olive MallardRib: Chartreuse XSm Ultra WireBody: Olive Hare's EarThorax: Olive Hare's EarWing Case: Orvis Black/Olive Thin Skin and Gold TinselLegs: Light Olive MallardBead: Copper to match hook size Head finished with a UV resin and torch. Olive HECJ.JPG OLIVE VERSION TanHECJ.JPG TAN VERSION Dark HECJ.JPG DARK HARE'S EAR VERSION Thanks, Mike