TUCA Membership Mailer


Notice to all grassroots volunteer members of Trout Unlimited in California

The State Council of Trout Unlimited of California (TUCA) first wants to thank you for your membership in America’s largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization. Your dedication will insure the protecting, reconnecting, restoring and sustaining of your local watersheds and their fisheries for the next generation to enjoy.

In that effort, we are re-organizing our current chapter member rosters and boundaries so that every member in California is assigned to a regional grassroots chapter. It is our hope that if you are not already engaged with your local chapter, that you will seek out how to become engaged by finding out information about attending their missions and initiatives, events and meetings.

Thus, we are asking you to find out this local information via their web and social media sites. It is our best and most cost-efficient way to get this information to you. Note that Trout Unlimited has a very strict policy about your personal information and we will not sell, trade or otherwise divulge any information to third parties, period. But, as only 60% of our members list their email addresses, we want to outreach to you by mail so you know where your local chapter meets and their contact & leader information.

Thank you for your attention and all that you do for our fisheries and watersheds.

(Individual chapter input)

South Coast Chapter#923 (SCC) was founded in Orange County in 1989.

Our mission is primarily to protect the endangered southern steelhead through advocacy and on-the ground restoration projects.

Our new territory now encompasses the coastal counties of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara as well as Orange with one of the largest membership rosters in the state. Our goal is to form sub-groups/sub-chapters in counties other than Orange with engaged members to better serve those threatened coastal watersheds and their fisheries.


Website: www.southcoasttu.org

Facebook: www.Facebook/SouthCoastChapter,Trout Unlimited

Chapter President: Bob Blankenship   Email: southcoasttu@gmail.com


(optional--just an idea, brainstorm one of your own)

New Member Bonus: bring this ‘salmon mailer’ to our next meeting to be entered into our new member raffle. Details on our web pages.




(Side 2)

Trout Unlimited of California                                                                                                              NON-Profit

123 Steelhead Lane                                                                                                                          Bulk Mail

Fishville, CA 91234




said on Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

Note to Members and Leaders: still learning how these group pages work!

This draft mailer was meant to show current leaders and NEW ENGAGED MEMBERS what we are going to be sending out. Each chapter will have its own unique contact info.Please email that info to me by Dec.1, 2014. Then, as discussed, post a message on your websites, Facebook, Twitter accounts, etc. to let those outlying members in outlying areas that they can start their own sub-groups, sub-chapters to serve their local streams.

Every unassigned member will now be in a chapter. But, the core chapter nedds your help in helping organize yourself. Please read their outreach messages.


Drew Irby

TUCA Membership Chair



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