Submitted by EBaird on Sun, 2014-03-09 08:29 Groups audience Fly Tying Brodhead - 289 Trout Magazine Pennsylvania - 9PA Pennsylvania: Special Hunting and Fishing Places to Protect Vote Up Down +10 + Monday, February 3rd, 2014 - 11:30am to Monday, March 31st, 2014 - 6:30pm FlyTying Contest.JPG The Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited is happy to announce its first annual fly tying contest, "Bring home the Benjamin," sponsored in part by Scott Cesari’s Fly Tying. The contest is part of the chapter’s ongoing effort to raise money for the various conservation and restoration projects currently being pursued and offers participants the chance to win one of three fabulous prizes valued at up to $100 dollars, including a first place prize of a $100 bill (e.g. – "a Benjamin!") Contest rules: 1. Participants will be required to submit 3 flies (recipes for each fly are included with the entry form): a. Royal Wulff b. Bead Head Prince Nymph c. Mickey Finn 2. Submissions can be made as follows: a. Flies may be submitted directly to any Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited board member at any of the Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited functions b. Flies may be mailed to Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited Fly Tying Contest c/o Scott Cesari’s Fly Tying, 1986 Totts Gap Road, Bangor, PA, 18013 c. A $5.00 entry fee made payable to Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited must accompany all entries d. March 31, 2014 is the deadline for entry submissions e. All flies submitted become the property of Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited for use in various chapter activities 3. Flies will be judged by Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited board member Scott Cesari (2006 Pennsylvania State Fly Tying Champion and 2006 Federation of Fly Fishers World Champion.) Judging will be based on a point system that quantifies the pertinent characteristics of each fly. A rubric for the scoring system can be viewed on the Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited website or at 4. Prizes a. The contestant achieving the highest point value will be the first place winner and will receive a $100 bill cash prize (a "Benjamin.") b. The contestant achieving the second highest point value will be the second place winner and will receive a set of fly tying materials valued at approximately $75 c. The contestant achieving the third highest point value will be the third place winner and will receive a $50 gift card d. In the event of a tie, final determination will be at the discretion of the judge 5. The winners of the contest will be announced at the April 9th Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited general meeting. Participants need not be present to win. Winners will be notified by email or phone if not present. Prizes can be delivered to the contest winners or mailed if the winner lives outside of the Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited region. 6. Questions can be directed to Scott Cesari via email ( ) or phone (610-730-7928.) The contest is a winning situation for all involved. Your entry fees will go directly toward the conservation and management efforts supported by Trout Unlimited and you have an opportunity to hone your tying skills and win some great prizes in the process. We hope to see your flies soon, and thank you for supporting our efforts! Who's attending this event? There is no one currently attending this event.