Submitted by ianstar on Sat, 2016-10-01 15:26 Groups audience Central Massachusetts - 148 Vote Up Down +10 + Saturday, November 5th, 2016 - 10:00am to Sunday, November 6th, 2016 - 6:00pm ArtsOfTheAngler.JPG November 5 and November 6Ethan Allen InnDanbury, CTDaily Admission $12Weekend Pass $20Kids 12 and under FREE The Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum will hold the 10th Annual Arts of the Angler Show. A full feature fly fishing show in an elegant atmosphere, this unique show combines the finest in vintage collectibles and contemporary fly fishing ‘arts’. It has been regarded as of the largest of its kind in the USA. Highlighted are the arts and crafts on the angler: bamboo rod making, fly tying, books and artwork. Saturday night features a Special Dinner & Live Consignment Auction. (Vendor Space is limited; if interested in being a vendor, please call the office at 845-439-4810). The Ethan Allen Inn is centrally located at Exit 4 on Interstate Route 84 in Danbury CT. This venue provides an elegant yet casual setting for a fine show. For more detailed information on the Arts of the Angler Show, follow the changing details here on this sponsoring website, visit the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum Facebook Fan Page or call the office at 845-439-4810. Questions? Details? Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum 845-439-4810, email: Who's attending this event? There is no one currently attending this event.