December 2016 Chapter Meeting Notice

Groups audience 
Monday, December 5th, 2016 - 6:30pm to Monday, December 5th, 2016 - 9:00pm

December Chapter Meeting –


Date: Monday, December 5th

Time: 6:30 till a little past 8 PM

Location: Auburn Sportsman’s Club, Auburn, MA


Well, there was something good that came out of the race between Hillary and Donald.  Rather that keep you on the edge of your seat, here it is:


Because Election Day fell on the day after our November meeting, there was no school on Tuesday.  This was an opportunity for our High School members of the chapter to attend our meeting.  It is wonderful to see their energy, interest and smile that adds another dimension to Trout Unlimited!


Dave was again the Master of the Vise.  This time we were spinning up the Hornburg and the trout will be in trouble come the spring.  We are seeing some skilled members at work on the vise and their efforts are clearly shown by after the Whip Finish. 


We did take a break from our tying for the Pizza.  Finally, we have found a pizza that will pull our tiers away from their task.  This has taken far too long, but we now have a staple going forward.


Along with seeing a significant improvement in Pizza, the Raffle prizes were of particular interest.  Not only was there an opportunity to win over a Million $, but also get several weeks’ worth of Dunkin Donuts.


December will not only be blessed with our new Pizza discover, but with some of the finest in Tippet material from the land of Orvis.  I am not sure if you have been on the Orvis web, but we struck a deal that has filled our treasure chest with spool after spool of tippet material in 5, 6 and 7X some of these in Fluorocarbon.   In addition, we stumbled upon some very unique strike indicators along with some excellent lamps for your night time adventures on the Swift.  In addition, based on feedback, there will be more DD coffee and an Orvis Gift Card.


The important Election will be held at our December 5th meeting.  I do not believe there will be as many interested in a position in our Chapter as there were Republicans interested in the Presidential nomination, but come on and give it a try.  We are very interested in your thoughts on how to improve out chapter and look forward to hearing from you and would fully support your interest in joining the CMTU executive board.


2017 is shaping up to be yet another banner year for CMTU. 


“Cold Water, Cold Beer”


We will have continuing discussions on “Cold Water, Cold Beer” which is starting to gain momentum with the MA/RI Council Chapters.  This new event is “brewing” a strong interest in our over 21 younger generations.  Boston has had very good success, we will be taking a very close look at this option.


In our chapter jurisdiction, we have many wonderful breweries that would make perfect locations for just this type of event.  Have you been to Wormtown brewery in Worcester or the Wachusett Brewery after taking a few casts on the Quinnie?  But wait, there are so many more.  Each of these fine establishments has taken their craft beer to the next level with facilities to blend your interest with their product. 


We are very interested in your thoughts on this subject.



See you in December

Peter Sterndale

President, Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited.

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