Fallen Timbers Chapter Monthly Meeting

Groups audience 
Thursday, March 15th, 2018 - 6:00pm EDT

We would like to invite all members to our upcoming monthly meeting to be held at Charlie's Taverna and Resaurant 1632 Tollgate Drive, Maumee Ohio 43537.

Social Hour, cocktails and food (please order by 6:15 PM) will be available. This is a geat opportunity to find out our latest endeavors and to socialize with like minded folks in our Chapter.

We'll have a short meeting beginnig at 7PM sharp followed by a fly tying demonstration and fishing NW Ohio/Michigan by John Satowski. John is a accomplished and recognized fly tier and guide in the area. He will be sharing his abilities and maybe some secrets so make every effort to join us on 3/15.

We hope to see you there.

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