Submitted by trgavin on Fri, 2016-01-15 14:04 Groups audience Yakima - 094 Vote Up Down +1 + Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 - 6:30pm PST to Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 - 8:00pm PST Fly Tying Classes Begin Tuesday, January 5th Each Tuesday from January 5th through March 8th basic fly tying classes will be held at the Memorial Bible Church 111 Old Stage Way in Gleed. Lessons will follow an outline from Charlie Craven’s “Basic Fly Tying” book. Although classes will focus on beginners there will be plenty of opportunity for experienced tiers to practice and share their talents. Classes will start at 6:30 and go til 8:00 PM. Young and old, men and women are welcome. There is no cost to attend. Any questions… contact Ron Buermann 509-952-3971. Who's attending this event? There is no one currently attending this event.