Submitted by Rennpferd on Thu, 2019-04-11 20:16 Groups audience Southeastern Wisconsin - 078 Vote Up Down +3 + Monday, April 15th, 2019 - 6:00pm Lake Michigan Fisheries Forum Lakeshore Technical College, Cleveland, WI Lake Michigan Conference Room 6 to 9 PM April 15, 2019 AGENDA 6:00‐6:10 Welcome and introduction 6:10‐6:30 Citizen Science (Wisconsin Sea Grant) 6:30‐7:00 Lake Michigan Salmon and Trout public meetings (WDNR) •Timeline – gather Stakeholder thoughts and ideas on the timeline •Meeting content and style ‐ gather stakeholder thoughts and ideas on the information to present and the meeting style 7:00‐7:15 Lake Michigan Committee (WDNR) •Lake Michigan Salmonine Stocking Strategy 7:15‐7:45 Guide Reporting on Green Bay (WDNR) 7:45‐7:55 Break (if needed) 8:00‐8:20 Trawl study update (WDNR) 8:10‐8:20 Commercial fishing discussion 8:20‐8:30 Highlights from Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lake Committee meeting (Wisconsin Sea Grant; WDNR) 8:30‐8:40 Discussion, questions, and next Steps Please note that you will now need to enter the building through L8 (L7 will be locked) Who's attending this event? There is no one currently attending this event.