May 10th Fish Out at Langlois Lake

Groups audience 
Sunday, May 11th, 2014 - 6:00am

The Bellevue/Issaquah Chapter will be having a fishout on Saturday, May 10th at Langlois Lake near Carnation.  We will meet at the Langlois Lake Boat launch at 9 AM.  You can get to Langlois by getting on Highway 203 from either Monroe or Fall City and head for Carnation.  At around mile marker 5 from Fall City take NE 24th street and follow this road till it narrows to a small one wayish looking road and look for the boat launch sign on the left.  Take the left turn down the hill to the parking/boat launch area. Remember to put your fishing license parking permit in your car window. You will need a boat, pontoon boat, or float tube as there is no shore access.  Electric motors are allowed but no gas motors. I have fished this lake a several times and have done quite well with over 15 fish to the boat. WDFW planted around 6,000 catchable trout in the lake for the April 26th opening day for fishing.   Most are in the 11 to 12 inch range but with some shoulders.  I did catch one last year that measured 15" and was a good 1.5 lbs.  Bring an intermediate line or type II or III on a 5 or 6 wt rod as most of the fish are somewhat deep.  They seem to like olive to dark olive size 10 or 12 2X long damsels/buggers/swimming nymphs/wet willies.  This is a deep lake ranging from 40ft along the shoreline to over 100 ft in the middle.  It is a pretty lake as it is mostly forested and owned by the Girlscouts.  There are only 3 homes on the lake.     Bring a lunch, water, fishing gear, life vest, sunscreen, camera, and lets enjoy a great day on our local water.

Hope to see you at the meeting and/or the fishout!  We will have a couple extra seats on boats so let us know if you are interested.  Contact John Silvey at by May 7th so we can reserve a seat for you.

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