March Chapter Meeting

Groups audience 
Thursday, March 9th, 2017 - 9:30am


Our next Gary Borger TU meeting will be on March 9th at 7:00 where PJ Smith, owner of PJ's Guide Service, will be our speaker. PJ uses his lifelong fishing & hunting skills in the pursuit of catching the ever elusive smallmouth, musky and trout.  Comfortable at both walk-n-wade fishing in the Driftless area or running a 15' Stealth Craft drift boat, PJ can guide you on a fly fishing adventure. His confidence, ability to observe, and his patience make him one of the best guides around for new or seasoned anglers. Contact him at or like him on Facebook at PJ's Guide Service.

‪‪His talk will focus on fishing goals, improving your fishing and scouting new waters in the Driftless Area.  Please join us for what is sure to be an interesting and informative talk.


Monthly Chapter Meeting

Time:  7:00 pm

Place:  Christ United Methodist Church

              600 Deerfield Road

               Deerfield, IL


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