Submitted by PhoenixFish on Sun, 2019-10-06 14:46 Groups audience Tug Hill/ Black River - 589 Vote Up Down +76 + Tuesday, October 8th, 2019 - 7:00pm to Tuesday, October 8th, 2019 - 9:00pm TU Chapter 589 Meeting Agenda Date: 10/8/19 Time: 7-9pm Location: DSR Welcome Center, 301 County Route 5 Pulaski NY 13142 Agenda Items: Introduction Guest Speaker: Justin St. Croix, Chapter #589’s attendee at the NYS TU Youth Catskill Summer Camp –Program report Treasurer’s Report, Dave Kohr Chapter ElectionsVice President, candidate: Wayne Weber Tug Hill Brook Trout Survey – Project Update, Dave Kohr Mad River Wind Farm – Status Update, Paul Miller Project Healing Waters, Mexico Chapter Monthly Programs Review, John Propster Trout in the Classroom – Project Update, Paul Miller Lake Ontario/Tributary Regulations Proposal Updates, Paul Miller NYS DEC, New Inland Trout Stream Management Approach, Public Meetings Scheduled. “Local” meetings:Gillette Road Middle School Auditorium: 6150 South Bay Road Cicero, NY 13039 10/9/19 6:30-8:30pm Glenfield BOCES Conference Rooms A & B (located behind the technical center) 5836 State Route 12 Glenfield, NY 13343 6:30-8:30pm 10/15/19 TU Tomorrow Fund 100 for 100 challenge Additional Items from Group Reminders: Next meeting November 12th, 2019 DSR Welcome Center 7-9pm Fall TU State Council Meeting in November 23rd, Tailwater Lodge Meetings will be cancelled per the Pulaski School District’s closing schedule including the after school activities closing schedule. Follow for updates Record your volunteer hours each month for an end of year total. Chapter meetings and your drive to and from all count! Who's attending this event? There is no one currently attending this event.