WITU Talking Trout Series - Beaver and Trout

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022 - 8:00pm to Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022 - 9:00pm

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This month we welcome Matt Mitro from the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources.


Topic: Beaver and trout in Wisconsin streams: a field study update


The control of beaver to maintain free-flowing conditions in select coldwater streams has been core part of the Wisconsin DNR’s management of trout. In this presentation, Matt will provide an update of an ongoing, statewide study that addresses research questions raised in the DNR’s beaver and trout management plans on how beaver influence trout populations and habitat in Wisconsin streams.


Matthew Mitro is a fisheries research scientist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Based in Madison, Matt has been working with the DNR on statewide fisheries issues since 2003. Matt’s current research is focused on trout in Wisconsin’s inland streams, on issues including stream habitat restoration, propagation and stocking, trout population response to environmental change, age and growth, trout-parasite dynamics, and beaver effects on coldwater steam habitat and trout populations.

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