Submitted by EBaird on Sun, 2015-09-13 04:24 Groups audience Brodhead - 289 Hokendauqua - 535 Little Lehigh - 070 Western Pocono - 203 Forks of the Delaware - 482 The Front Porch Trout Magazine Pennsylvania - 9PA Pennsylvania: Special Hunting and Fishing Places to Protect Joint Lehigh Valley Chapters Small Streams Vote Up Down +718 + Collage.JPG Back in August after some much needed rain, I took a Friday off and hiked into the Devil's Hole. The water was low and clear, but with a little stealth and luck I was able to bring several fish to the net. I took all of the fish that day on a size 12 yellow Humpy, to immitate the hatch of Yellow Sallies I saw on the water. The fish were eager to take the fly, ussually getting a rise with just a presentation or two through a lie, but the fish were spooky, one missed hookset and that fish was done.