The river remains high for fishing!

It's already nearing the end of the first week in May, but our beloved Musky has yet to show her true colors when it comes to dry fly fishing.  That action should pick up later this week as flows drop from last week's torrential rains.  Here's to keeping our fingers crossed!

At least some of our other local trout streams such as the South Branch Raritan and Flat Brook remain at fishable levels right now.  Always check those stream gauges before venturing out after big rains!



said on Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Flows remain at or around 600 cfs at the Bloomsbury gauge.  Best fishing on this river is under 300 cfs and preferably under 250 cfs.  The good news is that Lake Hopatcong is full and overflowing after last fall's 5 year draw down.  The target date to refill the lake after the big 5 year drawdown isn't until Memorial Day and this year the state fared much better than that due to higher than normal rains and the excellent snow pack we had.

With our groundwater replenished fuly, it looks like the river will fish well into summer this year for trout.  

said on Thursday, May 8th, 2014

More light rains today means longer for the Musky to recede to fishable levels.  One thing is for sure, we will be entering summer with excellent ground water supplies.  Good news for our trout!

said on Sunday, May 11th, 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all moms everywhere!  This morning finds the Bloomsbury USGS gauge at 426 cfs this morning and falling more quickly over the last 24 hours, but the river should fish well again by tomorrow.  Chance of some T-storms and unsettled weather over the next week, but no significant rains in the forecast.  It won't take much to cause flooding even though the trees and other plants are beginning to soak up much moisture from the soil as we turn to mid spring.   


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