Submitted by RipinLips on Mon, 2018-01-08 11:54 Vote Up Down +20 + 76CA6D30-8D7E-4D9A-A54A-1EF199DEB24D.jpeg 2019 - Steelhead Fishing for these bigger steelhead has... IMG_0028.jpg American River Steelhead A nice sized trout or Steelhead out of... Brown American with Worm - Upper.jpeg Brown Trout - Upper Caught a nice Brown Trout on the Upper... American River Native Steely (1).jpg Chrome Native This river holds nice fish all year-... wp_20171231_07_46_58_pro.jpg Half Pounder Half Pounder early morning, on a chrome... wp_20171214_09_22_50_pro.jpg Half Pounders & Caught this guy after seeing him... Steelhead American with Spinner (2) - Lower.jpeg Steelhead on a Chrome Rainbows and spinners, they love those... Steelhead American with Ripbait.jpeg Steelhead on Jerkbait You can always tell a trout right away...