Climate Change NLC Workgroup

Yellowstone cutthroat

What will the potential of a changing climate have on the cold water resources we all respect and enjoy? Climate Change, and the extent to which it is man-caused, is a divisive issue; the Climate Change Workgroup respects that. We will develop an education and awareness program based upon the scientific background provided by TU Staff and others. With adequate scientific understanding, we all should be concerned about the impacts to our coldwater fishery resources. How much risk should we accept? Can we afford to risk the future of trout and salmon?

Climate Change Workgroup

Committee Chair: Brian Wagner, Pennsylvania

TU Staff Leads: Helen Neville, Steve Moyer

If you would like to join us, please contact Brian. The group meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 8:00 p.m. ET.

TU Climate Change Resources:

View TU's Policy on Climate Change and Promoting Responsible Energy Development

Trout and Climate Change Presentation (2017) Slides Only or Slides with Narrative Audio This presentation was created by the volunteer-run Climate Change Workgroup of the NLC.

Get the Facts: View TU's Climate Change Fact Sheet, created by the workgroup and TU staff.

Lifestyles and Ethical Values to Sustain Salmon and Ourselves, by Jack E. Williams and Edwin P. Pister

Climate Change Adaptation and Restoration of Western Trout Streams: Opportunities and Strategies, by Jack E. Williams et al. Fisheries, 40:7, 304-317.

Climate Change in the Rogue Basin: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, by Jack Williams, Trout Unlimited Rogue River Watershed Council.

Examples of Advocacy Projects Concerning Regional and Watershed Impacts: Yakima Basin Integrated Plan

Climate Change FAQ

TU Climate Change Surveys: To measure the effectiveness of the Climate Change Workgroup's efforts to "increase climate change awareness" within TU, three surveys were conducted. This series of surveys showed an increasing awareness and concern about climate change over time. As compared to a study by Yale in April, 2018 of the general public, a greater percent of TU respondents believe climate change is happening.
See full distillation of results and slides of results from membership survey.

See TU’s Fall 2016 issue on climate change, including stories on climate change and trout fishing, and Chris Wood’s description of the TU approach.

River's Calendar: An Angler Science project tracking changes in emergence dates for aquatic insects.

Leptophlebia spinner, by Jerry Schoen
Jerry Schoen photo

Climate Change Blog Posts:


A Critically Important New Climate Report and TU's Potential Unsung Song by Helen Neville, 11/27/2018
Climate Change and the Future of Yellowstone by Larry Harris, 11/21/2018
Impacts of Climate Change on Tailwaters by Michael Riley, 11/12/2018
Affordable Clean Energy Rule by Jim Wilson, 11/8/2018
Reflections on another fire season by Tom Jones, 10/15/2010
Bill Nye CC video and CCWG birthday by Bill Lanzoni, 9/4/2018
Flames and Fish: a growing issue in the west by Paul Burnett, 8/15/2018
Attribution for Science by Jim Wilson, 7/11/2018
Voices from the River: Reality bats last by Randy Scholfield, 6/26/2018
Climate change amplifies stressors, stresses PA's state symbols by Brian Wagner, 5/7/2018
On a Maine trout pond, things aren't like they used to be by Paul Doscher, 4/3/2018


Appalachian Stewardship Foundation: Working on climate and energy by Larry Harris, 12/15/2017
Inside the effort to repeal the Clean Power Plan by Jim Wilson, 11/28/2017
The Yakima Basin Integrated Plan:  A response to climate change by Lisa Pelly, 9/20/2017
Tough year for wildfires ... and more to come by Jack Williams, 9/8/2017
Why this trout angler likes wind farms by Paul Doscher, 7/11/2017
How are aquatic insects coping with climate change? by Jerry Schoen, 7/6/2017
Stealing rivers ... and less to steal by Noel Gollehon, 5/3/2017
Big snow melting early in NW Montana by Bill Lanzoni, 4/14/2017
A Climate Plan on the Dolores by Randy Schofeld, 2/23/2017


Cool streams in a warm future: moving from talk to action by Jack Williams, 11/3/2016
Changing climate disrupting phenology up and down the food chain by Jerry Schoen, 7/27/2016
Missouri NLC rep talks climate change by Jeff Witten 3/5/2016


Responding to warming waters in the Gulf of Maine by David Van Burgel, 12/8/2015
Climate change from an angler's perspective by Carmen Northen, 11/23/2015
Tailwaters in a warming world by Jared Carpenter, 10/14/2015
How far will you drive to fish? by Helen Neville, 8/11/2015
Parasites in brook trout on the rise by Jack Williams, 3/2/2015
Climate change and Nevada's Walker Lake by Helen Neville, 1/31/2015


Climate news: Striped bass taking bite out of Atlantic salmon by John Braico, 12/10/2014

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