Diversity Initiative Workgroup of the NLC

Diversity Initiative Workgroup 
Mission: To create effective strategies and programs to recruit a more diverse membership profile in TU; encourage diversity within leadership at the chapter, state and national levels; and to ensure every chapter creates a welcoming environment for TU members of different genders, ethnicities, ages, and cultures to achieve the TU conservation mission.
Vision: By 2020, TU’s membership and leadership profiles reflect that of the angling public. 
Statement of Intent: The Diversity Initiative of the NLC will focus on areas where we have the most to gain as our first priority. In 2016, the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation cited that 34.4% of fresh water anglers are women, while women make up only 6% of the TU membership. Therefore, the primary focus of the DI will be encouraging local and state-level women’s initiatives. The DI will also work to ensure that a broader picture of diversity is a focus of the national organizations, state councils, and local chapters -- recognizing that different chapters due to their location, their culture or history may choose to target different segments of diversity as their primary agenda (people of color, youth, veterans, etc…)  

Resources for engaging women are available at tu.org/women.

Committee Members
Co-Chairs: Kelly Buchta, New Jersey; Bill Thorne, Arkansas 
Secretary and Northeast Ambassador, Jackie Kutzer, Vermont  
Western Ambassador, Heather Hodson, Washington
Midwestern Ambassador, Heidi Oberstadt, Wisconsin
Mid-South Ambassador, Kerri Russell, Arkansas
Evelyn Adams, Illinois
Norma Haynes, Mid-Atlantic
Donna Browers, Washington
Susan Geer, Arizona
Charlie Charlesworth, Pennsylvania
Sara Thorne, Arkansas
Kim Dollins, Arkansas
Ginger Koziatek, Ozark
Linda McAteer, Arizona
Ann Foster, Pennsylvania
Marsha Menovengo, New Jersey
Lori Day, Oregon
Marlene Hutson, Minnesota

TU Staff POC: Beverly Smith

Meets: The 3rd Thursday of the month at 8:00 p.m. Eastern


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