Join the monthly calls of the National Leadership Council's Diversity Initiative. They are held the third Thursday of the month at 8 p.m. Eastern. Simply dial: 1.866.740.1260 and enter the code 2829092#. Be prepared to hear from other volunteers with TU about their experiences working on diversity and inclusion at the local level, and we invite you to share your experiences as well. New Diversity Initiative Brochure (2017 - PDF) All Member Survey Analysis (2016 - PDF) Women's Initiative Welcome and Orientation DocumentsResources to help new volunteer leaders with engaging women in TU and encouraging women to step into leadership. Diversity Initiative Action Plan (2018 - PDF) On the Rise: Newsletter of the Diversity InitiativeLearn more about the Diversity Initiative, see how other chapters are growing and attracting new women members and leaders, view a calendar of TU chapter women-specific events around the country and connect with a network of other like-minded leaders who are driving this initiative forward. Spring 2018 issue Winter 2018 issue December 2017 issue June 2017 issue March 2017 issue January 2017 issue November 2016 issue August 2016 issue June 2016 issue April 2016 issue February 2016 issue November 2015 issue September 2015 issue July 2015 Issue May 2015 Issue Chapter and Council Sample Event Templates, Communications, and MoreA sharing of real examples from chapter and council womens specific programming, activities and events. National Leadership Council Workgroup Documents Visual MediaPictures, videos, etc... that can be used in your chapter or council communications. Note: If you have an interest in funding TU's women's and diversity work, please contact TU's Vice President for Volunteer Operations, Beverly Smith, or send a check to: 1777 N. Kent St. Ste. 100; Arlington, VA 22209 attn: Women's and Diversity Initiative.