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It's holiday gift time, TUers. Giving gifts is fun, but it can get a little tricky picking something just right. We’ve heard from folks who want to set up a fishing trip for an angler as a gift, but they’re not completely sure of what date or what trip type will work, which is why TU Business [ READ MORE... ]
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At TU, we’re strong defenders of our public lands. We see these lands as a legacy for future generations and a keystone in our efforts to protect, reconnect, restore and sustain coldwater fisheries across America. These are your lands and waters, to hunt and fish and hike and enjoy within the [ READ MORE... ]
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Dunoir – from the French “du noir," literally “of black.” The footprints of the French trappers faded long ago from the upper Wind River country in Wyoming. But the place names live on in the black timbered ridges of the Great Divide. You cross the Wind River above Dubois at the mouth of the Dunoir [ READ MORE... ]
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You may remember seeing our friends at Pescador on the Fly in previous blogs or in TROUT Magazine. They are excited to announce that they are now shipping their new Premium Travel Fly Rods, currently available in 5 weight, but rest assured, they have more sizes on the way. These 9-foot fly rods [ READ MORE... ]
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What do you call a team of great and passionate guides who love to do nothing but fly fish? In western New York, we call them Zero Limit Adventures. Zero Limit Adventures is a uniquely staffed guide service with expertise in various skills as well as diverse interests, backgrounds and personalities [ READ MORE... ]
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Tellico. It’s kind of a mysterious word. The Cherokee wrote it “Talikwa” and used it in the names of several of their towns in the Great Smoky Mountains. They say the actual meaning of the word was lost in their language. It’s possible that it’s origin isn’t Cherokee at all, but Muskogee. The [ READ MORE... ]
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One of the great things about working with the fly-fishing industry and conservation is the people you meet. You meet a lot of kind, authentic people who care deeply about fish and fishing. And you soon learn that there are people who will never let you down. These are the reliable supporters, the [ READ MORE... ]
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Do you know our friends at Pescador on the Fly? If not, you should. Right now, they’re launching their line of Premium Travel Fly Rods. These 9-foot fly rods are super light weight and fit into a tube that’s less than 20 inches long. They travel like a dream, but most important, they fish like a [ READ MORE... ]
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Land your next trout onto the stripping apron of an ultralight float tube amongst the breathtaking solitude of backcountry still waters.  Backcountry ultralight float tubing is a GREAT introduction to trout, an absolute blast for an experienced angler, and a journey to bring families and friends [ READ MORE... ]
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It started out simple in 2008  when three wine business veterans and life-long fishermen, Mark Seymour, John Heus and Stephen Cary launched the High Hook brand. They had three basic goals. First, they wanted to make really good wine that shows the true fruit character of the grapes and the subtle [ READ MORE... ]

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