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My Dad says it happened when I was about 7 years old. Some punk lifeguards and their hangers-on were tormenting a sand shark they had pulled from the surf down the Jersey shore. I marched in between the sea of tree-trunk legs and, through my tears, carried the dead fish back to the surf. My Newark- [ READ MORE... ]
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I tie flies like I play guitar. Poorly. An occasional creation will resemble a known fly, and an even more occasional fly will fool a fish, but my skills as a tyer are limited. That may explain my fascination with really-good tyers—people who can create, with a combination of fur, wire, tinsel, and [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_wood ON March 8 - 0 COMMENTS
Set, set, set!
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“Set, set, set!” I shot up in bed, slammed my hand above the bedpost, and in the process spilled a bottle of water onto my book on the night-stand.  Damn Pancho and Teo. Awaking from my dream, and cleaning up the water, I thought about my friend, Pancho Panzer—a proud Trout Unlimited business [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_wood ON February 22 - 0 COMMENTS
The Tomorrow Fund
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I landed at the Austin airport, and hustled over to the rental car company only to be told my license had expired the day before. The glee of the two clerks behind the counter was not lost on me. I was 90 minutes from New Braunfels, Texas, where I was scheduled in a few hours to keynote the 2018 [ READ MORE... ]
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So, I wrote a letter to Jeep. They ran an ad in the Super Bowl called The Road, that showed a Jeep running up the center of what looked like a stream. My eight year old son turned to me after it ran, and said “Dad, isn’t that really bad for the stream?”   A few days after sending the letter, I had [ READ MORE... ]
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This week’s news that the EPA was suspending the Clean Water Act’s protections for headwater streams was a stark reminder that elections have consequences. The previous presidential administration worked for years to write the rule, and the new one doesn’t like it. Game over, right? No. Don’t [ READ MORE... ]
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TU does more work than any other organization in the country to make fishing better. For example, in Mill Creek, a tributary to the Russian River in California, we worked for seven years with our partners to remove a dam to reopen 14 miles of critical spawning habitat for imperiled Coho salmon. [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_wood ON December 23 - 1 COMMENTS
Looking back at 2017
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By Chris Wood Last week, I had an hour between meetings in Carmel, California, so I called Tim Frahm, who directs our CA coastal steelhead work. He invited me to look at a project that Christy Fischer, his spouse, and he had worked on. Over chicken sandwiches they told me a riveting story about how [ READ MORE... ]
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By Chris Wood President Trump came into office with the promise to “make America great again.” A steady diet of less natural resource protection has followed. Less protection for small streams under the Clean Water Act. Less protection for national monuments. Less protection for amazing landscapes [ READ MORE... ]
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Bob Capron has helped move countless trout from sure death in irrigation canals back to the mainstem of the Shoshone river near Cody, Wyoming. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited By Dave Sweet Any angler lucky enough to have caught trout near Cody, Wyoming, may want to send Bob Capron a thank you note [ READ MORE... ]

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