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by Chris Wood Al Perkinson looks like a California surfer dude. He’s got wavy long hair and the languid movement of a gracefully aging athlete. He is also the guy who built the Costa del Mar brand, helped TU start the Five Rivers program, and now runs marketing for Simms. I was talking with Al [ READ MORE... ]
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Director and producer Robert Redford eyes a shot during filming of "A River Runs Through It". Courtesy photo. By Brett Prettyman While most people talk about Brad Pitt’s shadow casting and the family drama the troubled soul Paul brought to his clan, I have different memories of “A River Runs [ READ MORE... ]
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By Chris Wood When it comes to the recovery of imperiled salmon and steelhead, Idaho leads the way. The Idaho Statesman was the first daily newspaper to call for the removal of the four lower Snake River dams in 1997. The late Governor, Cecil Andrus was one of the most articulate voices for [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_wood ON September 5 - 2 COMMENTS
Walking the Talk
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Photo by Robin Kadet Petey jumped in my lap within moments of sitting down. Phil Monahan rescued the little dog when he found him walking alone down a highway. A few things stand out about the Orvis offices in Manchester, Vermont. First, as Petey demonstrated, their offices are very pet-friendly. [ READ MORE... ]
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“Dad, look!” I followed Wylie’s arm and saw a big bald eagle perched in a tree. It was one of 10 sightings that week. Wylie, 13, has grown taller than my 6’2”. When we go back-to-back, it is only a mother who remembers her first baby, and his hyper-competitive brothers who refuse to allow their [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_wood ON February 16 - 0 COMMENTS
Take action
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By Chris Wood Last week, I published an opinion piece printed in the New York Times asking President Trump to stand up for clean water, and veto Congress’ bill to overturn restrictions on mountaintop removal mining. Unfortunately, that plea failed, as the President signed the misguided law today. [ READ MORE... ]
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By Chris Wood The one that got away isn’t always a fish. Eighteen years ago, I got a phone call from the forest supervisor of the Rogue-Siskiyou National Forest in southwest Oregon. He wanted President Clinton to use his authority under the Antiquities Act to make a big chunk of the forest a [ READ MORE... ]
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Twenty-four hours. That is how long it took for the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a resolution to make it easier to sell or transfer America’s public lands. The fight for our public lands started on day one of the 115th Congress. On Tuesday, the House of Representative voted on a rules [ READ MORE... ]
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A Bristol Bay rainbow trout.  by Chris Wood This was an uncommon and rancorous election, but the outcome is not. As is the case every four years, many are excited about the prospects for the new administration, and many are afraid of what it means for things they care about. I want to take a moment [ READ MORE... ]
You voted '+1'.
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On Thursday June 16, 2016 and Saturday June 18, 2016, members of the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited contracted All Construction and Repair (http://poconosexcavation.com/) to place rocks that had been previously donated by Northampton Community College (https://www.northampton.edu/) in a [ READ MORE... ]

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