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Join us for our monthly meeting to learn more about the strategic goals for 2016, join/form a committee, and meet other members of the Chapter. Here's our plan for 2016 - engage local youth and develop programs to inspire the next generation of conservation leaders, increase our knowledge of " [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY EBaird ON August 15 - 1 COMMENTS
Pocono Creek Habitat
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The Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited, #289 is planning a instream habitat improvement project for the late summer early fall of this year.  The plan is utilized stone deflectors, rock cross-vanes, and random boulder placement to improve a heavily channelized section of the Pocono Creek in [ READ MORE... ]
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  I was fishing on the Potomac River this morning while downstream on the banks of the Anacostia, a tributary of the Potomac, EPA and the Corps of Engineers announced they were restoring the protections of the Clean Water Act to small headwater streams.  A series of warm days has all but ended the [ READ MORE... ]
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 By Chris Wood Yesterday, I had the opportunity to be a part of a congressional roundtable discussion on “Hunting, Fishing and Shooting Sports” hosted by House Resources Committee Ranking Member Raul Grijalva (Arizona). The event featured representatives from the American Sportfishing Association, [ READ MORE... ]
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On Sunday April 26th, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM members from the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited Presented an Introduction to Fly Fishing Class at the Pocono Environmental Education Center.  More that 20 students were introduced to fly fishing through a viewing of the Way of the Trout, [ READ MORE... ]
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By Chris Wood Douglas M. Thompson author of “The cost of Trout Fishing,” in the New York Times (April 10, 2015) is correct that poorly managed fish stocking programs can sometimes create problems for native and wild trout. But then he wades in over his head, suggesting that anglers and fishing [ READ MORE... ]
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The theologian, Martin Luther, was alleged to have said, “Human reason is like a drunken man on horseback. Prop him up on one side, and he falls off the other.” Luther’s words ring true when it comes to the people who want to build a massive open-pit gold mine in the headwaters of the world’s most [ READ MORE... ]
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In April 2013 the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited was joined by the Tobyhanna Conservation Association and Boy Scout Troop 91 to plant over 400 seedling along the banks of the Tobyhanna Creek in the area of the Route 423 bridge realignment. The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation of Natural [ READ MORE... ]
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The Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited completed an instream habitat improvement on the McMichaels Creek Involving the installation of 3 stone deflectors and over 50 tons of random boulder placement along approximately 1000 feet of stream.  Partnering with the Chapter was Stroud Township (the [ READ MORE... ]

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