blog BY chris_hunt ON January 9 - 0 COMMENTS
Thanks Tom
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Tom Rosenbauer at the School of Trout in Last Chance, Idaho, last fall.  I've never been a big podcast guy, and I think that's largely because I never seem to have much time on my hands to just sit back and listen. But my son, Cameron, is a huge podcast addict (and I was a bit mortified at what he' [ READ MORE... ]
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For a lot of fly tiers, the craft itself is made more enjoyable — and more productive — by employing some economy of motion. Constantly picking up and putting tools down during the process can be a bit annoying. Just recently, as I reached for a pair of scissors to finish my fly, I simply couldn't [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_wood ON January 7 - 0 COMMENTS
Faith in a Seed
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By Chris Wood Conservation is a long game, so it is especially important to celebrate successes. After decades of decline, 2018 may mark the year that we turned the corner on the recovery of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake. The world's first national park had lost more than 95 [ READ MORE... ]
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For the gear-fishing community, clips and "swivels" have been around for ages—they make changing lures a breeze and their use is common. Not so much in the fly-fishing world, even though these little tools are perfectly acceptable for fishing nymphs, wet flies and streamers (they probably aren't [ READ MORE... ]
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We all have our favorite catches from the years gone by. I often revel in the "hero shot" of a 27-inch brown I managed to hook and land on Argentina's Rio Limay, or the 45-and-a-half-inch pike I nabbed on Reindeer Lake in northern Saskatchewan a couple years back.  Fly Fishing - Catch of [ READ MORE... ]
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One of fly fishing's greatest assets is its visual appeal. Watching fish hit flies is what turns a lot of us on, frankly. Trout on dry flies or bass on poppers ... these are the moments a lot of us live for when we go fishing. Even the dip of an indicator or the flash of a fish as it turns on nymph [ READ MORE... ]
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The author with a nice Wyoming Range cutthroat trout.  On small streams, don't forget the value of the skate when dry-fly fishing. Trout Tips | Small Streams Structure from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo. Standing upstream, let the fly dance and dap in the current downstream, keep a nice tight line and [ READ MORE... ]
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For right-brained fly tiers like me—if you catch me with a clean desk or an orderly fly-tying station, it's because I'm likely expecting company— storing fly-tying materials in an organized fashion is a tough task. For years, I tried different versions of tying benches that had drawers, cabinets [ READ MORE... ]
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Here's a great wet-fly pattern for searching for trout—it's been something of a "secret" fly along the East Coast for years. Gallagher Special Video of Gallagher Special Above, Matt Grobert ties the Gallagher Special, a fairly simple pattern to tackle at the [ READ MORE... ]
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It's usually the first fly we learn to tie, and, for many of us, it's a go-to streamer pattern for the rest of our angling lives. The Woolly Bugger is a classic, and it's a classic because is works. Why Woolly Buggers Catch Fish Video of Why Woolly Buggers Catch Fish [ READ MORE... ]

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