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When finishing tied flies to get rid of any stray materials or to simply make the fly look better, it's important that you don't just "free hand" it. Not all of us are Cool Hand Luke—we need a little help to be precise when we go after small fibers with a pair of tying scissors to clean up a fly [ READ MORE... ]
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Smaller streamers have their place when chasing aggressive fall trout.  There was a definitive nip in the air as we drove up into the central Idaho backcountry last week in search of migrating bull trout. Irrigated hay fields sported fresh "snow" from the sprinklers, and the cottonwoods along the [ READ MORE... ]
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It's a little tough this year to get excited about steelhead season here in Idaho—if there's a season at all, thanks to what could be the smallest return of ocean-going rainbow trout to the Clearwater and Salmon rivers in 40 years.  Nevertheless, steelhead flies are some of the most enjoyable to [ READ MORE... ]
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Working with micro-fibbets can be a real pain, particularly for tiers who sport fat fingers (like I do!). But they can really add appeal to a fly, particularly mayflies that depend on that realistic look to attract trout. Splayed Micro Fibbet Tails Video of Splayed Micro [ READ MORE... ]
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Remember, it's about how flies look to the fish. Photo by Chris Hunt. Some flies are meant to catch fish, and some flies are meant to catch anglers. I am always surprised by how some of the patterns I think are sure-fire winners because they look so snazzy turn out to be duds. And sometimes, the [ READ MORE... ]
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Last week, I shared Tim Flagler's video on building round rubber legs for terrestrial patterns. It's a brilliant (and relatively simple) way of crafting rubber legs that always rest at that perfect 90-degree angle. Mop Hopper Video of Mop Hopper Above, Tim puts [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_wood ON September 10 - 0 COMMENTS
Two days, one fly
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By Chris Wood Walt shook his head. “It’s up to you man, but I wouldn’t use a streamer. There’s a ton of wood and other snags in the river through the park. But it’s your call.”  At the put-in, another guide commented, “I had two really good streamer fishermen hit the same stretch yesterday, and [ READ MORE... ]
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The venerable Griffith's Gnat. Editor's note: The following is exerpted from TU's book, "Trout Tips," available online for overnight delivery. More than 50 percent of a trout's food, in most places in North America, is comprised of midges—those tiny bugs that are seemingly everywhere. Some of us [ READ MORE... ]
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I wish I had seen the video below a month ago, as 'hopper season was upon us here in eastern Idaho—cooler nights and high-elevation freezes are bringing my favorite time of the year to a close, unfortunately, but there are still a few hearty terrestrials out there.  Round Rubber Hopper [ READ MORE... ]
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I've never been a big fan of super glue in my fly tying, and not because it doesn't work—it most definitely does. I don't like it because, after a few uses, the bottle seizes up and I invariably end up wasting much of the product inside because it simply becomes too much of a pain to use [ READ MORE... ]

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