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Since the dams were put in place on the Deschutes River to create Crane Prairie and Wickiup Reservoirs, our beloved Deschutes River has been managed for the primary purpose of irrigation. In the years before these barriers were put in place the free flowing river allowed for healthy populations of [ READ MORE... ]
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Location: Northcentral  Type of stream: Freestone spring creek Angling methods: Fly, spin Species: Bull trout, rainbows, browns, brook trout, Kokanee, mountain whitefish Access: Easy Season: Year-round Supporting Services: Sisters Short take: Fast and technical, perhaps Oregon’s best spring river [ READ MORE... ]
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Location: Northcentral  Type of stream: Freestone, Tailwater Angling methods: Fly, spin Species: Steelhead, Rainbows and Salmon Access: Moderate Season: All year in some sections, but check regulations Supporting Services: Maupin Short take: Redband ‘bows, steelhead, salmon itch to bust up your [ READ MORE... ]
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Location: Central  Type of stream: Tailwater Angling methods: Fly, spin Species: Red Band Rainbows, Steelhead, Salmon Access: Easy Season: Year ‘round Supporting Services: Prineville Short take: Know the flow before you go Handicapped Access: None Closest TU Chapter: Deschutes   Though Crooked [ READ MORE... ]
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  TU's Deschutes Chapter is building a Stewarship Network for Oregon's Fall River. We're engaging local landowners, agency staff, NGOs and anglers to help guide our next steps. Based on our Fall 2013 "Fall RIver Needs Assessment," we have identified restoration, education and biomonitoring needs [ READ MORE... ]
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 The Metolius River draws people from all over the country for its scenic beauty and world renowned recreational opportunities. The Metolius is also an inspiring outdoor classroom, providing accessible environmental educational experiences that are perfect for Elementary students, Middle Schools [ READ MORE... ]
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The Industry – AFFTA Steps up as Always The Seattle Chamber of Commerce is a big deal on the West Coast, representing billions of dollars of tech, coffee, fish, shipping, aero-space, mining, construction and the recreation industry.  So when the Seattle Chambers Alaska division decided to have a [ READ MORE... ]
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He picked up the lemons that Fate had sent him and started a lemonade-stand. - Elbert Hubbard ca. 1915 While the solution to prevent the thousands of dead trout on the Upper Deschutes we have seen may be, "Put more water in the river", the issue is far more complex than most of us realize and [ READ MORE... ]

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