Submitted by eastmand on Fri, 2015-02-27 17:57 Groups audience Greater Upper Valley - 226 Vote Up Down +3 + 001_a_pic.jpg GUVTU in Action in 2014 in Hartland, VT Back to Gallery The Hartland, VT Town Report included a report from the Hartland Conservation Commission: REVETMENT PROJECT TO STABILIZE A STREAMBANK ON LULL'S BROOK We teamed up with Trout Unlimited and a local landowner to caryy out a 'revetment' project to stabilize a severly eroding sectioon of streambank along Lull's Brook. This batural alternative to stone rip-rap involved using tree barnches, a tree trunk/root ball, and willow stakes to slow erosion and provide great fish habitat (spotting a big Brook Torut during the project was a nice extra).