Scranton hosts TU's 2015 Annual Meeting

Wed, 09/16/2015
Sept. 16, 2015
Chris Hunt, National Communications Director (208) 406-9106
TU descends upon Scranton, Pa., for annual meeting
SCRANTON, Pa.—Hundreds of Trout Unlimited volunteer leaders from across America are in Scranton this week for the non-profit conservation organization’s annual meeting that will feature everything from a fishing outing and conservation tour to a keynote speech delivered by Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director John Arway.
Every year, TU volunteer leaders and senior staffers gather in a different location to provide guidance and training for grassroots members and to celebrate TU’s yearly accomplishments in the conservation and policy arenas. TU’s mission is protect and restore trout and salmon habitat across North America, and its 158,000 volunteer members from coast to coast are key to helping the organization meet its ambitious conservation goals.
“Every year, TU’s volunteer leaders contribute more than 650,000 volunteer hours helping protect critical habitat, restore local rivers and educate youth on the importance of coldwater conservation,” said Beverly Smith, TU’s vice president for volunteer operations. “This is our biggest gathering of the year to celebrate all that we’ve accomplished together and dedicate ourselves to the important work ahead. Scranton is the perfect place to host our annual meeting, because the Lackawanna River flowing through the heart of the city is a great example of an urban river reborn and revitalized by volunteers who care.”
Trout Unlimited was founded in 1959 in Michigan, and today it boasts chapters in 38 states and members in every state and dozens of foreign countries. TU’s annual operating budget is about $50 million a year, and the organization now boasts over 200 full-time employees who work in offices spread throughout the United States.
“We’ve become the best investment in the conservation world because we get things done,” said TU President and CEO Chris Wood. “Just this past year, we’ve helped protect millions of acres of trout and salmon habitat, helped remove dams that have blocked trout and salmon migration for generations and forged great partnerships with leaders in the industrial and agricultural communities that will fundamentally change how conservation is done for decades to come. We really do make fishing better.”
For more information on TU and its annual meeting, visit To join TU, visit
Trout Unlimited is the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s trout and salmon and their watersheds. Follow TU on Facebook and Twitter, and visit us online at
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Contact information: Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited (TU), 1300 17th St N Ste 500, Arlington, VA 222093800

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